2.6 C
sâmbătă, 15 februarie, 2025
ENGLISHThere was no crisis in the Coalition. It was a mere brawl...

There was no crisis in the Coalition. It was a mere brawl for the sake of the electorate

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  1. Crisis in the Government Coalition – SDP-NLP – on the issue of the new
    Pension Law.

“Crisis” is not the right word. A “crisis” involves the sincere, deep engagement of
the parties in a war, a conflict or, at least, a grudge. What happened on Monday,
November 6, 2023, seems rather a new scuffle between two people who have no
interest in divorcing, although they have decided to go on their own, than a crisis
between two responsible political parties.

The confirmation lies in how things unfolded.

On Monday, November 6, 2023, at noon, a Government meeting was scheduled
for the approval of the draft law on pensions. A project initiated and vocally
supported by SDP, under the sign of the post-December policy of NSF, SDPR
and SDP to entice pensioners through alms called the promise of indefinitely
raising the pensions. The Marcel Ciolacu government is a coalition government.

It went without saying that, according to the Protocol, the Project could not be
brought to the Government meeting without it having been discussed and
approved in advance at a Coalition gathering. When everyone, convinced that it
could be nothing but the result of a deal, waited for the meeting to begin, the
postponement of the works was announced in Breaking News manner. In a
genuine democracy, the prime minister would have made a press statement
setting out the reasons, which could have been many, from the fact that a fly as a
spy drone of the Russians was frantically flying around the room to the fact that
the secretary’s tights were starting to unravel. That didn’t happen. As many times
before, information emerges from sources. Some accurate info, obtained by the
press by more or less Orthodox means, other, false, invented in offices,
according to the sensationalist tradition embodied by Caragiale’s reporter,

The news outlines a conflict between the SDP and the NLP. The Liberal Minister
of Finance, Marcel Boloș, refuses to give his (indispensable) approval on the
draft law, claiming that the sum from the budget imposed by the increase of
pensions in 2024 by 40cannot!) cannot be procured. That this is the reason, we
know from the sources. We have not found out from Marcel Boloș, nor will we –
ever. The gentleman is a priest by trade. Therefore, he listens to confessions, but
doesn’t confess.

The press goes into the spasms typical of the breaking news sequences. Without
the signature of Marcel Boloș the draft law cannot be brought to the Government
meeting. And, as Marcel Boloș has the support of Nicolae Ciuca, it’s clear that
NLP is against the draft. SDP wants it to be approved at the Government
meeting. One (NLP) pulls back. The other (SDP) pulls forth. The result can only
be the breaking of the rope i.e., the Coalition. Just when the editorial offices were
searching the Internet for the data from which coalitions’ obituaries are usually
drawn up, a new burst of breaking news:
The meeting will take place!
Marcel Boloș has given his approval, albeit accompanied by many observations.

What was that?

Many say that Marcel Boloș – and the NLP through him – was persuaded to cave
in by a phone call received from Klaus Iohannis.

I believe nobody talked Marcel Boloș into relenting.

It never even crossed his mind to deny the approval of the draft law. That would
have meant the departure of the NLP from government. NLP decided to go on
the lists by itself, but without going into the Opposition. For this, the party has
envisioned an infinite succession of situations like the one that appeared at the

Pensions Law. It is playing a tug of war with the SDP. For as long as it takes to
get the virtual steak called electoral capital. Then it gives up. For the sake of the
real steak, which is participation in the Government.

  1. Marcel Ciolacu posted on Facebook a video meant to prove that he had
    lunch with Olaf Scholtz, the German Chancellor.
    Olaf Sholtz did not utter a
    word about the lunch on his Facebook page, even though Marcel Ciolacu
    probably had footed the bill.

Romania is a member of the EU and a member of NATO. A meeting of the
Romanian PM with any other EU leader is part of a routine. It’s not even worth a
news story, let away breaking news.

Out of the lunch taken with Olaf Sholtz, Marcel Ciolacu made an occasion of
national pride. Not even King Ferdinand showed off in such a way when he
created Great Romania. I don’t even want to think about what he would have
done after, if he had been with the German at the whorehouse.

The gesture of the SDP president can be explained not only by the eternal
provincialism of the Moldavian-Valah politician, but also – if not mainly – by the
fear of SDP not being legitimised at European level. From the recognition of the
SDP as part of the family of European social democrats, Marcel Ciolacu made a
banner. For this, the SDP has got awfully close to Brussels. It has broken up with
Bucharest though. And yet the 2024 elections will take place in Bucharest and
not in Brussels.

  1. Bogdan Aurescu has been appointed Judge at the International Court of

Our diplomacy has a long and solid tradition in terms of originality, even when
Romania has been in asymmetric relations with the Great Powers.

This tradition was ended by Bogdan Aurescu as Foreign Minister. Few were the
moments in the modern history of Romania when our diplomacy was reduced to
a mere rod-crank system of the locomotive called the Great Powers, as it
happened while Bogdan Aurescu cosied up on the minister’s armchair, so that he
could better puff out cigars. For his exemplary servility as the head of Foreign
Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu has been rewarded with a fat sinecure.
Good omen for Klaus Iohannis, as he is sacrificing the national interest for the
personal interest of a sinecure when the mandate ends.
Bad omen for Romania.
Bogdan Aurescu’s lead could be followed by other local politicians!

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